
Pele's health regressing as he continues to be treated in hospital for cancer

Daniel Ottoni
Pele has been in hospital since the end of November
Pele has been in hospital since the end of NovemberProfimedia
The Albert Einstein Hospital, where Pelé is hospitalised, published a medical bulletin on Wednesday and according to the statement, the former player presented progression of colon cancer and requires greater care. The Brazilian footballing legend remains hospitalised and has no date for discharge.

"Hospitalised since November 29 for a re-evaluation of chemotherapy therapy for colon tumor and treatment of a respiratory infection, Edson Arantes do Nascimento (Pele) presents progression of the oncological disease and requires greater care related to renal and cardiac dysfunction.

"The patient is still hospitalised in a common room, under the necessary care of the medical team," the bulletin explained.

He will spend Christmas in Hospital, his daughter said on an Instagram post.