
Simon Dalby dominates second Peace Race stage as Antoine Huby takes overall lead
Danish cyclist Dalby dominated the second stage of the Peace Race
Danish cyclist Dalby dominated the second stage of the Peace RaceBarbora Reichova / Czech Tour
The second stage of the Under-23 Peace Race from Bruntal to Cervenohorske sedlo was won by Simon Dalby (20) from Denmark, who had the most strength on the final climb and over the 129-kilometre course with an elevation gain of 2,809 metres. Second in the two-rider sprint was Frenchman Antoine Huby (22), who took the lead of the overall standings just a few hundredths ahead of Dalby.

Among the home Czech riders, Pavel Novak (18) finished in fifth position, 13 seconds behind the winner. Karel Camrda (22), ninth, also made it into the top 10. 

Frenchman Pierre Gautherat (20), the winner of the two opening stages, was not able to keep up with the pace of the peloton in the hills and dropped down the order.

"It's been a good race for France so far and now we will concentrate as a whole team on keeping the yellow jersey," Gautherat said.

From the start, several riders tried to break the field and eventually a five-rider breakaway emerged, which included the top climber in the polka-dot jersey, Mike Schuch (20) of the Netherlands. The riders had a lead of as much as three minutes, but the climb to Premyslov changed the situation. Slovak Samuel Kovac (20) was the first to drop out, while Belgian Floris Van Tricht (21) broke away from everyone.

Czech cyclist Pavel Novak
Czech cyclist Pavel NovakBarbora Reichova / Czech Tour

But after a while everything was different. At the start of the steep climb in the rain to Dlouhe strane, Frenchman Huby and Italian Simone Raccani (22) were in the lead, but they too failed to complete their breakaway. So it was Dalby of Denmark who had the most power on the final climb, overtaking Huby in the final sprint. Afonso Eulalio (21) of Portugal was third at the finish.

"It was very hard today, it was very uphill at the end," said Novak at the finish.

"But our team worked well together, so I'm happy for today's result. The first two were already quite far from us, it was impossible to go down, we were on the floor," said the best Czech rider, who was involved in a mass crash on Friday's first stage and is now 40th in the overall standings.

"I'm a bit bruised, but it's okay," he assured.

Check out the full results of the Peace Race now